
RAINN Speakers Bureau Monthly Newsletter December 2018

Larry is featured in the December 2018 RAINN Speakers Bureau Monthly Newsletter.

Read the entire newsletter here.

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Larry’s Speaking Story

1. What was the context—did you give a speech, do an interview? Was it live? For print? For television?

“I shared my story at a Night of Healing at Newton Wellesley Hospital in conjunction with Taking Back Ourselves and Violence Transformed. The audience was mixed including both survivors, their allies, as well as clinicians. I was asked to paint a real picture about what it is like to continue in the process of healing as a survivor of sexual abuse.”

2. What was rewarding about telling your story?

“I find sharing my story rewarding despite the natural anxiety that comes along with it. What is most rewarding is hearing people identify with varying aspects of your experience—initial trauma, ways we've struggled, methods of recovery, etc.”

3. What was challenging? Was there anything you wish you knew beforehand?

“I was well prepared to share my story, but it is always challenging to speak so openly about your truth and how you navigate life as a survivor.”

4. What do you want to tell other survivors interested in telling their stories?

“I think one of the most important aspects to share with others who are about to share their stories is to not forget the basics. Breathe, take a moment to yourself beforehand, and most importantly, speak from your heart and don't worry about the result. People want and need to witness your humanity.”